New Novello Choral Edition edited by Michael Pilkington: the one most widely used by UK choral societies. SATB + piano reduction accompaniment, English & German text. Set for Trinity Examination 2023 onwards Singing Grade 8 (Group A, tenor: If with all your hearts: Eb (f#-a') + baritone/bass: Lord God of Abraham: Eb (Bb-eb')) & Trinity Music Certificates: Singing Intermediate (Group A: O rest in the Lord) & Singing Advanced (Group A, Tenor: Then shall the righteous shine forth & Baritone / Bass: It is enough) & Dip ABRSM & ARSM (Baritone / Bass: Draw near + Lord God of Abraham: Eb (Bb-eb')) & FRSM (Soprano: Hear ye, Israel & Baritone / Bass: Tarry here + It is enough) & ATCL (Soprano: Hear ye, Israel)