Children's Favourites - Really Easy Piano
Children's Favourites - Really Easy Piano
Product code: AM998745Description
20 popular children's songs presented in easy piano arrangements by Barrie Carson Turner. Each song comes complete with background notes, and playing hints and tips. Includes the main lyrics that correspond to the music as printed in this collection - in some cases chorus only (e.g. The Sun has got his Hat On), in some first verse only (e.g. My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean).
Best Day Ever, The [Spongebob Squarepants Movie, The]- Kenny, Tom & Paley, Andy
Bring Me Sunshine (Morecambe and Wise theme tune) - Kent, Arthur
Do Your Ears Hang Low? – Trad.
Food, Glorious Food [Oliver!] - Bart
Hakuna Matata [Lion King, The] - John, Elton
Hokey Cokey, The - Kennedy, Jimmy
I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing - Cook, Greenaway, Backer & Davis
Messing about on the River [Wind in the Willows, The] - Hatch, Tony
My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean - Trad.
Nellie the Elephant – Hart
Run, Rabbit, Run - Gay, Noel
Sun Has Got His Hat On, The [Me and My Girl] - Gay, Noel
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious [Mary Poppins] - Sherman
Teddy Bears' Picnic, The - Bratton
Three Little Fishes - Dowell, Saxie
Ugly Duckling, The [Hans Christian Andersen] - Loesser
We All Stand Together (Frog Chorus) [Rupert & the Frog Song] - McCartney
When I'm Sixty Four - Lennon & McCartney
Windmill in Old Amsterdam, A - Dicks, Ted & Rudge, Myles
Wombling Song, The - Batt, Mike