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Soprano Songs - New Imperial Edition of Solo Songs

Soprano Songs - New Imperial Edition of Solo Songs

Product code: M051904006
Regular price £19.50 GBP
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The New Imperial Edition of Solo Songs was designed to give a chronological anthology of solo song from the lutenists to the mid 20th century. One volume per voice - soprano, mezzo-soprano, contralto, tenor, baritone & bass, + piano accompaniment. Original-language lyrics, + translated English lyrics where that's NOT the original language...Set for LRSM (Soprano: Gibbs or Harty)


Arne - Where the bee sucks[Tempest, The]: G (d'-g")

Bishop - Should he upbraid: G (c#'-g")

Brahms - At Last / So willst du des Armen [Magelone-Lieder]: F (e'-g"), Lullaby / Wiegenlied: G (g'-g") & Vain Suit, The / Vergebliches Ständchen: A (e'-f#")

Campian - So Sweet is my Discourse: G minor (f#'-g")

Gibbs - Why do I love?: F minor (c'-gb"/ab")

Gounod - Without Thee! / Ce que je suis sans toi: E (e'-f#")

Grieg - Solveig's Song [Peer Gynt op.23]: A minor (e'-a")

Händel - Care Selve / Come beloved [Atalanta]: : A (g#'-g#"), Endless Pleasure, Endless Love [Semele]: F (e'-a") & Let Me Wander Not Unseen - Or let the merry bells [L'Allegro ed Il Penseroso]: D minor / major (d'-a")

Harty - Lullaby, A [6 Songs of Ireland]: Db (e'-gb")

Head - Singer, The {unaccompanied}: F minor (f'-ab")

Henschel - Spring: G (f#'-g#"/b")

Ireland - I Have Twelve Oxen: G (d'-g")

Linley - O, Bid Your Faithful Ariel Fly [after Tempest, The]: D (c#'-g#")

Liszt - Loreley, The / Loreley, Die: E minor (d'/e'-g"/bb")

Mendelssohn - Lone and Joyless (Infelice): Bb (d'-bb")

Mozart - How Calm is My Spirit / Ridente la calma: F (c'-a")

Pergolesi - Gentle Shepherd / Se tu m'ami: G minor (c'-g")

Rachmaninov - How Fair this Spot / Tout est si beau!: A (d'-b")

Schubert - Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel / Gretchen am Spinnrade: D minor (f'-a"), Novice, The / Junge Nonne, Die: F minor (c'-gb") & Omnipotence / Allmacht, Die: C (c'-a")

Schumann - Chestnut, The / Nussbaum, Der: G (d'-f#"), He is Noble / Er, der Herrlichste von allen [Frauenliebe und Leben]: Eb (c'-gb") & Suleika's Song / Lied der Suleika [Myrthen]: A (e'-f#")

Strauss, R - Farewell / Ich schwebe: A (e'-a#")

Sullivan - Where the bee sucks [Tempest, The]: Db (eb'-bb")

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