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Oratorio Anthology, The - Baritone / Bass

Oratorio Anthology, The - Baritone / Bass

Product code: HL47061
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This series of arias from the great oratorios is arranged for voice + piano accompaniment in 4 volumes, collected by voice range, ed. Richard Walters for Hal Leonard. Original language lyrics, + English translations where listed: includes some instrumental obbligato parts, as listed.

BARITONE/BASS: Set for ATCL (Handel - Revenge Timotheus cries or Mendelssohn - Gott sei mir gnadig) & LTCL (Handel - Why do the nations?) & FTCL (Handel - Trumpet Shall Sound, The

Bach, C.P.E - Fecit potentiam: A (G#-f#') [Magnificat]

Bach, J.S. - Quia fecit mihi magna: A (G#-d#') [Magnificat]

Bach, J.S. - Et in Spiritum sanctum: A (F#-e') [Mass in B minor]

Bach, J.S. - Betrache, meine Seel' / Consider, O my soul: Eb (Bb-eb') [St. John Passion]

Bach, J.S. - Gerne will ich mich bequemen / Gladly would I be enduring: G minor (G-eb'), Komm, susses Kreuz / Come, healing cross: D minor (A-eb') + Mache dich, mein Herze, rein / Make thee clean: Bb (A-eb') [St. Matthew Passion]

Bach, J.S. - Grosser Herr und starker Konig / Mighty Lord: D (A-e') [Christmas Oratorio].

Berlioz - O misere des rois!: G minor (F-eb') [L'Enfance du Christ: Herod]

Fauré - Hostias: D (d-d') [Requiem]

Handel - Revenge, Timotheus cries: D (G-e') [Alexander's Feast]

Handel - Behold the monstrous human beast: Bb (G-f') [Belshazzar]

Handel - See the raging flames arise: A minor (A-e') [Joshua: Caleb]

Handel - I feel the Deity within... Arm, arm, ye brave!: C (B-e') [Judas Maccabaeus: Simon]

Handel - For behold, darkness shall cover the earth...The people that walked in darkness: B minor (F#/G-e'), Trumpet Shall Sound, The: D (A-e') (includes trumpet part), Thus saith the Lord...But who may abide: D minor (A-f') + Why do the nations: C (B-e') [Messiah]

Handel - Honor and arms: Bb (A-eb') [Samson: Harapha]

Handel - Good we wish for, The...Thy glorious deeds inspir'd my tongue: D minor (Bb-f') [Samson: Manoah].

Haydn - Erblikke hier, betorter Mensch / In this, O vain: Eb (G-eb') + Schon eilet froh der Akkermann / With joy th'impatient husbandman: C (B-e') [Seasons, The: Simon]

Haydn - Nun scheint in vollem Glanze der Himmel / Now heav'n in fullest glory: D (F#-d') + Rollend in schaumenden Wellen / Rolling in foaming billows: D minor (G-f') [Creation, The: Raphael].

Mendelssohn - For the mountains shall depart / Ja, es sollen: F (B-e'), Is not his word like a fire? / Ist nicht der Herrn Wort: C (c#-f'), It is enough! / Es ist genug!: F# minor (A-e') & Lord God of Abraham / Herr Gott: Eb (Bb-eb') [Elijah]

Mendelssohn - Gott sei mir gnadig / O God, have mercy: B minor (B-d') [St. Paul].

Puccini - Crucifixus: G minor (F-eb') [Messa di Gloria]

Rossini - Quoniam tu solus sanctus: A (A-e'/f') [Petite Messe Solennelle]

Rossini - Pro peccatis: A minor (A-e') [Stabat Mater].

Verdi - Confutatis: Eb (A-e') [Messa di Requiem].

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