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Art of Song, The - Grade 8

Art of Song, The - Grade 8

Product code: EP71771
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Revised & expanded edition of Edition Peters Art Of Song Grade 8, available for either High (1), Medium (2) or Low (3) Voice + piano accompaniment. Lyrics in original languages - * = + English translation. Set for ABRSM Examination 2018 onwards Singing Grade 8 (List A: Bach – Am abend...Mache dich or Dowland - either - or Haydn - O Tuneful Voice or Spirit's Song, The or Straight opening or Wanderer, The, or Mozart - Agnus Dei or Vivaldi + List B: Beethoven or Brahms - any of the 4 - or Schubert - Der Musensohn or Du Bist Die Ruh or Lied eines Schiffers an die Dioskuren - or Schumann - Nachtlied or Widmung - or Wolf - either + List C: Gurney + List E: Mozart - Dalla Sua pace or O Isis und Osiris or Se vuol ballare or Una Donna a quindici anni or Purcell - Ah! Belinda or Music for a While or Sullivan - Silvered is the raven hair or O Goddess Wise or Take a Pair of Sparkling Eyes) & Eisteddfod yr Urdd 2024 Unawd S/A & T/B Bl.10 a dan 19 oed (Schubert - Du Bist Die Ruh).

High Voice keys/pitches given first, & the volume numbers the songs appear in:

Bach – Am abend...Mache dich, mein Herze, rein / Purify yourself [St. Matthew Passion] *: G minor (G-eb') - 3

Beethoven - Mit einem gemalten Band op.83 no.3: F (e'-f"/a") - 1 / Eb (d'-eb"/g") - 2 & 3

Brahms - An Die Nachtigall op.46 no.4: E (d#'-g") - 1 / D (c#'-f#") - 2 / C (b-e") - 3

Brahms - In Stiller Nacht [49 Deutsche Volkslieder]: E (c#'-f#") - 1 / D (b-e") - 2 & 3

Brahms - Sommerabend op. 85 no.1: Bb (d'-d) - 1 / G (b-b') - 2 & 3

Brahms - Ständchen op.106 no.1: G (d'-g#") - 1 / E (b-e") - 2 / Eb (bb-eb") - 3

Dowland - Flow My Tears: C minor (f'-g") - 1 / A minor (d'-e") - 2 / G minor (c'-d") - 3

Dowland - Weep You No More: G minor (d'-g") - 1 / E minor (c'-e") - 2 / D minor (b-d") - 3

Gurney - Spring [5 Elizabethan Songs]: E (c'-g") - 1 / C (a-e") - 2 / D (g-d") - 3

Haydn - O Tuneful Voice (O Stimme hold) Hob.XXVIa/42: Eb (b-g") - 1 / C (g-e") - 2 / Bb (f-d") - 3

Haydn - O Welcome Now - O What Comfort (Welche Labung fur die Sinne) [Seasons, The] *: C/Bb (bb'-bb") - 1

Haydn - Spirit's Song, The (Hark, what I tell to thee/Des Geistes Gesang) Hob.XXVIa/42: G minor (c#'-ab") - 1 / F minor (b-gb") - 2 / D minor (g-eb") - 3

Haydn - Straight opening...Now heav'n in all her glory shines [Creation, The, Hob.XXI/2: Raphael]: D (F-eb') - 3

Haydn - Wanderer, The [12 Canzonettas HobXXVIa/32]: G minor (d'-eb") - 1

Mozart - Agnus Dei ["Coronation" Mass in C, K317]: F (c'-f") - 1

Mozart - Bester Jungling / Sir, I treasure [Der Schauspieldirektor, K486: Mlle Silberklang] *: Eb (eb'-bb") - 1

Mozart - Dalla Sua pace / All that can [Don Giovanni, K527: Don Ottavio] *: G (d'-g") - 1

Mozart - Dieser Gottheit [Freimaurerkantate, K623] *: G (e'-a") - 1

Mozart – O Isis und Osiris [Die Zauberflote, K620: Sarastro] *: F (F-c') - 3

Mozart – Se vuol ballare / If you'll go dancing (Nozze di Figaro, K492: Figaro) *: F (C-f') - 3

Mozart - Una Donna a quindici anni / When a girl [Cosi fan Tutte, K588: Despina) *: G (d'-b") - 1

Purcell - Ah! Belinda [Dido & Aeneas, Z626: Dido]: C minor (c'-f") - 1, 2 & 3

Purcell - Come, all ye songsters [Fairy Queen, The, Z629]: C (g'-a") - 1 / A (e'-f#") - 2 / G (d'-e") - 3

Purcell - I'll Sail Upon The Dogstar [Fool's Preferment, A, Z571]: C (d'-a") - 1

Purcell - Music for a While [Oedipus, Z583]: A minor (e'-f") - 1 / G minor (d'-eb") - 2 / F minor (c'-db") - 3

Purcell - Oft She Visits [Dido & Aeneas, Z626: 2nd Woman]: D minor (d'-g") - 1

Schubert - Der Jungling am Bache (2nd version, D192): F minor (e'-f") - 1

Schubert - Der Musensohn op.92 no.1/D764: G (f#'-g") - 1 / E (d#'-e) - 2 / D (c#'-d) - 3

Schubert - Du Bist Die Ruh op.59 no.3/D776: Eb (eb'-ab") - 1 / C (c'-f") - 2 / Bb (bb-eb") - 3

Schubert - Lied eines Schiffers an die Dioskuren op.65 no.1/D360: Ab (c'-eb") - 1 & 2 / F# (a#-c#") - 3

Schubert - Sehnsucht op.8 no.2/D516: C (f#'-g") - 1 / A (d#'-e") - 2 / G (c#'-d") - 3

Schumann - Mit Myrten und Rosen [Liederkreis op.24 - no.4]: D (d'-g") - 1 / B (b-e") - 2 / A (a-d") - 3

Schumann - Nachtlied op.96 no.1: C (d'-f") - 1 / Bb (c'-eb") - 2 & 3

Schumann - Wanderlied op.35 no.3: Bb (d'-a") - 1 / Ab (c'-g") - 2 / G (b-f#") - 3

Schumann - Widmung [Myrthen op.25]: Ab () - 1 / Gb () - 2 / F () - 3

Sullivan - Cheerily carols the lark [Ruddigore: Mad Margaret]: Eb (bb-fb") - 2

Sullivan - O Goddess Wise [Princess Ida]: Eb (f'-bb") - 1

Sullivan - Silvered is the raven hair [Patience: Lady Jane]: Eb (g-eb") - 2

Sullivan - Take a Pair of Sparkling Eyes [Gondoliers, The: Marco]: Gb (gb'-ab") - 1

Vivaldi – Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris [Gloria in D, RV589]: B minor (c#'-d") - 2

Wolf - Der verlassene Mägdlein [Morike-Lieder]: A minor (e'-f") - 1 / G minor (d'-eb") - 2 & 3

Wolf - Verborgenheit [Morike-Lieder]: Eb (d'-gb") - 1 / Db (c-f") - 2 / C (b-e") - 3

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