Stori'r Geni - Williams, Helen W. & Jones, Anne M.
Stori'r Geni - Williams, Helen W. & Jones, Anne M.
Product code: storirgenDescription
A musical re-telling of the Christmas story by Helen W. Williams + Anne M. Jones. Curiad, 1993. 1897664354. Hanes y Nadolig ar lafar ar gan. I blant. Llais, piano + offern / voice, piano + percussion, geiriau Cymraeg yn unig / Welsh words only.
Yr Asyn - unlais + ffliwt/flute + clafiau / claves
Beth Oedd Enw'r Lle? - unlais + glockenspiel, bloc/woodblock + triongl/triangle
Y Bugeiliad - unlais + ffliwt/flute + symbal / cymbal + triongl/triangle
Cân Mair - deuawd + ffliwt/flute + glockenspiel
Deuwch O Amgylch - unlais + ffliwt/flute [recorder]
Y Doethion - unlais + + ffliwt/flute + glockenspiel + bloc/woodblock + symbal / cymbal
Nadolig - unlais + glockenspiel + symbal / cymbal + triongl/triangle
Pa Beth Yw'r Neges? - unlais + ffliwt/flute + glockenspiel