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Panorama de la Harpe Celtique - Bouchaud

Panorama de la Harpe Celtique - Bouchaud

Product code: ETR001761
Regular price £12.99 GBP
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Panorama de la Harpe Celtique. Collected & arranged by Dominig Bouchaud for non-pedal harp. Set for ABRSM Examinations 2019 onwards Non-Pedal Harp Grade 4 (List A: Kuhlau, Mozart - theme from Sonata K331 - or Scarlatti) & Grade 5 (List A: O'Carolan - Concerto + List C: Sor) & Pedal Harp Grade 5 (List C: Sor) & Trinity Examinations 2020 onwards Harp Grade 1 (Corri), Grade 4 Non-Pedal (Buttstedt) & Grade 5 Non-Pedal (Handel or Kuhlau or O'Carolan - Concerto or Sor).

Alfonso el Sabio - Cantiga de Sancta Maria

Anon arr. Bouchaud - Complainte de la Blanche Biche; sleeves; La folia; La sola grazia; My Lady Careys Dompe; O bella piu che viola; Pavane: belle qui tiens ma vie; Que ne suis-je la fougere; Tanto zentil me mostri tua figura

Attaignant - Gaillarde

Besard - Branle Gay

Buttstedt - Menuet

Corri - Marche

Francisque - 2 Branles de Montirande

Giuliani - Allegro

Glinka - Polka

Gurlitt - Andante

Handel - Petite Sonate

Holy - Orientale

Hook - English Dance

Kuhlau - Theme & Variations

Mozart - Themes from Sonatas 5 & 11, K311

O'Carolan - Air; Concerto; Princess Royal; Welcome

Scarlatti - Minuetto

Sor - Etude

Susato - Pavane 19

Trad. Breton arr. Bouchaud - An dro; An durzunell; Ar baradoz; Berceuse de Cornouaille; Gwerz Penmarc'h; Laride; Ma Franzez; Peh trouz so war an douar?; Valse;

Trad. Bulgarian arr. Bouchaud - Chanson de Tiriosko; Serenade nocturne

Trad. French arr. Bouchaud - Ah! Vous dirai-je Maman

Trad. Irish arr. Bouchaud - Marche funebre de Brian Boru/ Brian Boru's March; Pullet, The; Trip to Sligo, A; Women of Ireland

Trad. South-American arr. Bouchaud - Danza guerrera del Cuzco; Huaino de Huancayo

Tags: Harp Grade 3; Harp Grade 5

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