Pro Cantione Antiqua with Mark Brown & Sir Philip Ledger in a programme of renaissance a capella vocal music (madrigals) & later unaccompanied pieces (glees). Alto, Aug. 2010
Barnby - Kiss, The; Sweet and low
Beale - Come let us join the roundelay
Bishop, H R - Foresters sound the cheerful horn
Bridge, Frederick - The Goslings; Two Snails
Byrd - Though Amaryllis dance in green
Cavendish - Come, gentle swains
Cooke, B - Epitaph On A Dormouse
Cooke, T - Strike The Lyre
Elgar - As torrents in summer
Gibbons - Ah, dear heart; O That The Learned Poets
Morley - April is in My Mistress' Face; Fyre! Fyre; My bonny lass she smileth
Paxton, W - Breathe Soft, Ye Winds
Pearsall - O who will o'er the downs so free; There is a paradise on earth; Waters of Elle
Ramsey, R - Sleep, fleshy birth
Smart, G T - The Squirrel
Sullivan - The long day closes
Tomkins - Music divine, proceeding from above
Vautor - Sweet Suffolk Owl
Weelkes - Hark All Ye Lovely Saints; Thus Sings My Dearest Jewel