Richard Strauss's songs are published by UE in four volumes altogether, each available for high, medium or low voice with piano accompaniment, with German & English lyrics. This is Vol.2 for low voice: high & medium voice editions available to order. Set for ATCL (Geduld or Ich trage meine Minne) & DipABRSM & ARSM (Mezzo-Soprano: Traum durch die Dammerung) & LRSM (Mezzo-Soprano: Ruhe, meine Seele) & FRSM (Geduld or Hochzeitlich Lied or Nachtgang or Wie solten wir geheim sie halten).
All mein Gedanken / All the fond op.21 no.1: C (a-e")
Geduld / O wait! op.10 no.5: E (g-d#")
Hochzeitlich Lied / Nuptial Song op.37 no.6: A (f#-f")
Ich trage meine Minne / To none will I my love op.32 no.1: Db (g#-e")
Nachtgang / At Night op.29 no.3: Eb (a-d")
O susser Mai! / Sweet lovely May! op.32 no.4: E (b-e")
O warst du Mein! / O, wert thou mine! op.26 no.2: Eb (c'-eb")
Ruhe, meine Seele! / Rest thou, my Spirit! op.27 no.1: A (a-d#")
Traum durch die Dammerung / Dream in the Twilight Eb (bb-eb")
Wie solten wir geheim sie halten / Why should we seek to hide our passion op.19 no.4: E (a-e")
Tag: Singing Grade 8