Horovitz - Captain Noah and his Floating Zoo (Unison Version)
Horovitz - Captain Noah and his Floating Zoo (Unison Version)
Product code: NOV200135Description
Joseph Horovitz's school cantata in popular style from 1970 has a witty text by Michael Flanders. For unison voices / SA / SSA + piano accompaniment & chord indications. Set for ABRSM Examination 2018 onwards Singing Grade 1 (List C: no.10 - Oh what a wonderful scene)
No.1 - The Lord looked down: C (bb-d")
No.2 - The people of Fun City / Noah, Noah, don't do any more: C / Eb (bb-eb")
No.3 - The Japhet, Shem & Ham: C (bb-eb")
No.4 - It looks like rain: C (b-f#")
No.5 - For the floodgates of heaven: E minor (a#-c#")
No.6 - Forty days & nights: G minor (b-d")
No.7 - - For the Lord closed the floodgates of heaven: G minor (c#'-e")
No.8 - Father Noah: D (f-d")
No.9 - Then the Lord looked down: D (c'-b')
No.10 - Oh what a wonderful scene: D (d'-d")