Sullivan - Gilbert and Sullivan for Singers - Soprano
Sullivan - Gilbert and Sullivan for Singers - Soprano
Product code: HL00740214Description
15 solo songs from Gilbert & Sullivan's light operas for soprano voice + piano accompaniment, + access to recorded accompaniments online. Set for ABRSM Examinations 2018 onwards Singing Grade 6 (List E: Love is a Plaintive Song), Grade 7 (List E: The Sun, Whose Rays are All Ablaze) & Grade 8 (List E: Oh, Goddess Wise or Poor Wand'ring One or Sorry Her Lot) & Trinity Examinations 2023 onwards Singing Grade 6 (Group A, soprano: If Somebody There Chanced to be or Love is a Plaintive Song) & Grade 7 (Group A, soprano: Sorry Her Lot).
Hours Creep on Apace, The...A Simple Sailor, Lowly Born [HMS Pinafore: Josephine] G minor (d'-bb"/c"')
How Would I Play This Part? [Grand Duke, The: Julia]: Ab (eb'-f#"/bb")
I Built Upon a Rock [Princess Ida]: Eb (eb'-g")
I Cannot Tell What This Love May Be [Patience]: F (c'-a"/d"')
If Somebody There Chanced to be [Ruddigore: Rose]: A minor (d#'-g")
Lady Fair of Lineage High, A [Princess Ida: Lady Psyche]: Ab (c'-f"/ab")
Love is a Plaintive Song [Patience]: A minor (e'-a")
My kindly friends...Oh, Happy Young Heart [Sorcerer, The: Aline]: G (f'-b")
Oh, Goddess Wise [Princess Ida]: Eb (f'-bb")
Poor Wand'ring One [Pirates of Penzance, The: Mabel]: Ab (eb'-bb"/db"')
So Ends My Dream [Grand Duke, The: Julia]: G (c'-gb"/ab")
Sorry Her Lot Who Loves Too Well [HMS Pinafore: Josephine]: F minor (e'-bb")
Sun Whose Rays are all Ablaze, The [Mikado, The: Yum-Yum]: G (d'-g")
Tis Done! I am a Bride [Yeomen of the Guard, The: Elsie]: Eb (d'-bb")
When he is here [Sorcerer, The: Constance]: F (d'-a")
Tags: Singing Grade 7; Singing Grade 8