Selected, edited & annotated by Nancy Bachus for Alfred, 2003, this first volume of Beyond the Romantic Spirit contains 19 early intermediate to late intermediate piano solos written from 1880-1922. Includes a CD of all pieces performed by Daniel Glover. c. Grade 5-6 standard.
Albéniz - Capricho catalon [Espana op.165: no.5]
Bartók - Hungarian Song & Round Dance [For Children, part 1]
Beach - Returning Hunter, The [Eskimos op.64: no.2]
Cervantes - Los tres golpes (Three Strikes, The) [Danzas cubana]
Debussy - Album Leaf; Le petit nègre
Dett - Honey [In the Bottoms]
Glière - Le soir op.43 no.5
Granados - Vals brillante & Vals sentimental [Valses poético]
Griffes - Prelude no.2 [3 Preludes]
Nielsen - Jumping Jack [Humorous Bagatelles op.11: no.4]
Ravel - Prélude
Rebikov – Bear, The; Vast Expanse of Space, The
Reger - Gigue [10 Little Performance Pieces op.44: no.9]
Satie - Bathing in the Sea [Sports et Divertissements]
Sibelius - Valsette [Pensées lyriques op.40: no.1]
Tag: Piano Grade 6