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100 Best Short Songs - Book 4

100 Best Short Songs - Book 4

Product code: PAT00604
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This classic collection of 100 songs from Paterson is divided into 4 volumes - books 1 & 2 for high voice + piano accompaniment, books 3 & 4 for low voice + piano accompaniment, all with English lyrics only. Set for ABRSM Examinations 2018 onwards Singing Grade 4 (List A: Ford or Lully) & Grade 5 (List A: Purcell - I Attempt from Love's Sickness to Fly).

Book 4:

Anon - My Little Pretty One: F (c'-d")

Blow - Self-Banished, The: D (a-d")

Brahms - Discomfited Suitor, The (Vergebliches Ständchen): F (c'-d"); In the Churchyard (Auf dem Kirchhofe): C minor (bb-eb"); Love Song (Minnelied): Bb (c'-eb"); Lover's Strategy, The (Des Liebsten Schwur): Eb (bb-eb"); Therese: D (b-d")

Dowland - Fine Knacks for Ladies: Eb (d'-eb")

Ford - Since First I Saw Your Face: Eb (eb'-eb")

Franz – Dedication (Widmung): Gb (db'-eb"); Invocation (Bitte): Db (db'-db")

Howard - Love in thy Youth: B (g#-d#")

Johnson - As I Walked Forth One Summer Day: D (a-d")

Lawes - I do confess thou'rt smooth and fair: F (c'-c")

Liszt - So Like a Flower (Du bist wie eine blume): Eb (bb-db")

Lully - Sombre Woods (Bois Epais) [Amadis]: Eb (c'-eb")

Purcell - I Attempt from Love's Sickness to Fly [Indian Queen, The, Z630]: F (b-d"); More Love or More Disdain I crave: C (a-d")

Schubert - Death and the Maiden (Der Tod und das Mädchen): D minor (a-eb"); Faith in Spring (Fruhlingaglaube): E (b-c#"); Ghost, The (Doppelgänger, Der): G minor (g-eb"); Hurdy-gurdy Man, The (Leiermann, Der): F minor (c'-d"); Litany (Litanei): Eb (c'-eb"); Wanderer, The (Wanderer, Der): B minor (f#'-d")

Schumann - Oh Ring Upon My Finger (Du Ring am meinen Finger): Eb (c'-f") + Since Mine Eyes Beheld Him (Seit ich ihn gesehen): Bb (eb'-eb") [Frauenliebe und Leben]; Where Fall My Burning Teardrops (Aus meinen Thränen): Ab (f'-db")

Young - Phyllis: G minor (a-d")

Tag: Singing Grade 5

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