Abracadabra Recorder Book 1 is a graded collection for the beginner on descant recorder. 23 songs and tunes using from three to eight notes. Clear fingering diagrams and notation explanations are given at each stage.
Amazing Grace
Andrew Mine, Jasper Mine
Annie's song
Daisy Bell
Dance of the Cuckoos
Gypsy Rover, The
I saw three ships (first tune)
I saw three ships (second tune)
If you're happy
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly
Kum Ba Yah
Last Night I Had The Strangest Dream
Lord of the Dance
Michael, Row the Boat Ashore
Old Woman, Old Woman
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Shepherd's hey
Skye Boat Song, The
Under Bethlehem's star so bright
When the Saints Go Marching In
Whose Pigs Are These?
Winds Through The Olive Trees