Robert Tear's collection of favourite 19th century songs & duets for high voice (+ low voice) + piano accompaniment for Cramer, comprising many familiar songs no longer available in other formats.
Annabelle Lee - Leslie: G (f#'-g")
Big Lady Moon - Coleridge-Taylor: Eb (bb-g")
Carol Singers, The - Sterndale-Bennett: F (c'-d"/f")
Children's Home - Cowen - duet: B minor (a-c#" / d'-a")
Come into the Garden, Maud - Balfe: D (d'-a")
Dicky Bird and the Owl, The (Banjo & Guitar) [Cox & Box] – Sullivan – duet: Bb (f-f"/bb" / c'-bb")
Excelsior - Balfe - duet: C minor (a-g" /d'-g")
Flow Gently, Deva - Parry, John - duet: A (E/G#-e' / e'-g#"/a")
Gendarmes' Duet [Genevieve de Brabant] – Offenbach – duet: F (f-f' / e'-g")
Larboard Watch - Williams, T - duet: G (d'-d" / d'-g")
List to the Convent Bells - Blockley - duet: F (a/e'-d" / c'-f")
Moon has Raised her Lamp Above, The - Benedict - duet: G (G-e' / e'-g")
Snowy-Breasted Pearl, The (There's a Colleen fair as May) - Moffat, arr.: Eb (eb'-g")
Tenor and Baritone - Wilson - duet: A (G-f#' / f#'-a")
Tom Bowling - Dibdin: Eb (eb'-bb")
Watchman! What of the Night? - Sarjeant - duet: G (G-e' / g'-g")
Wee Cooper o' Fife, The - Moffat, arr. - duet: Bb (bb-eb" / d'-bb")
Will-oÕ-the-Wisp - Cherry: D minor (a-d"/f")