Century of English Song, A - vol.4 - medium/low voice (female)
Century of English Song, A - vol.4 - medium/low voice (female)
Product code: TH978614Description
A selection of English 20th century song from Thames for medium / low female voice + piano accompaniment. Set for ABRSM Examination 2018 onwards Singing Grade 8 (List C: Jacob) + Trinity Examinations 2023 onwards Singing Grade 7 (Group B: Jacob) & Grade 8 (Group B: Gibbs).
Bantock - Song of the Seals: Eb (g-eb")
Butt - Virtue: E minor (c#'-f#") - harp or piano accompaniment
Cox - Fine English Days!: Eb (bb-eb")
Farrar - Brittany op.21 no.1: Eb (bb-eb")
Gibbs - Ballad of Semmerwater: G minor (gb–eb")
Gurney - Bright Clouds: G (d'-f#")
Hold - Song at night (Music for a while): C (a-e")
Jacob - Mother, I will have a husband: G (d'-e")
Lawson - Sesette to Fish: Ab (b-f") - unaccompanied.
Pilkington - Wynken, Blynken & Nod: Eb (b-eb)
Quilter - Old Carol, An (I sing of a maiden) op.25 no.3: D (c'-d")
Rubbra - Psalm 150 (Praise ye the Lord) op.61 no.3: F (b-f")