15 Purcell songs, set 1, edited & realised for The Purcell Society & available for either high voice (tenor/soprano) or low voice (baritone/contralto) + piano accompaniment. Set for ABRSM Examinations 2018 onwards Grade 5 (List A: Fairest Isle or I Attempt from Love's Sickness to Fly In Vain) & ATCL (Group B: Sweeter than Roses)
Keys/pitches of high voice version listed first:
Ah! Belinda, I Am Press'd With Torment [Dido & Aeneas: Dido] C minor (c'-f") / Bb minor (bb-eb")
Fairest Isle (Venus' Song) [King Arthur] Z628: Ab (eb'-gb") / F (c'-e")
From Rosy Bow'rs (Altisidora's Song) [Don Quixote]: C minor (d'-g") / A minor (b-e")
Halcyon Days, Now Wars Are Over (Amphitrite's Song) [Tempest, The]: C (d'-g") / A (b-e")
Hark! How All Things with One Sound Rejoice [Fairy Queen, The] Z629: A (e'-g") / G (d'-f#")
I am Come to Lock All Fast (Mystery's Song) [Fairy Queen, The] Z629: C minor (d'-g") / A minor (b-e")
I Attempt from Love's Sickness to Fly In Vain [Indian Queen, The] Z630: A (d#'-f#") / G (c'-e")
Oh! Lead Me to Some Peaceful Gloom (Bonvica's Song) [Bonduca]: C minor (d'-g") / A minor(b-e")
Oh! Let Me Weep (Plaint, The) [Fairy Queen, The] Z629: D minor (d'-g") / B minor (b-e")
Retir'd From Any Mortal Sight [King Richard the Second]: G minor (d'-f") / F# minor (c#'-e")
Sweeter than Roses [Pausanias]: C minor (d'-ab") / A minor (b-f")
Thrice Happy Lovers (An Epithalamium) [Fairy Queen, The] Z629: G minor (d'-g") / E minor (b-e")
Thus to a Ripe Consenting Maid [Old Bachelor, The]: A minor (d'-g") / F# minor (b-e")
When I Am Laid In Earth (Dido's Lament/Farewell) [Dido & Aeneas] G minor (c'-g") / E minor (a-e")
When I Have Often Heard Young Maids Complaining [Fairy Queen, The] Z629 : Bb (f'-g") / G (d'-e")
Tag: Singing Grade 7