First published in paperback form in 1977, this collection of 41 songs represents a definitive publication of the cabaret/comic songs of Michael Flanders & Donald Swann. Lyrics written out in full before each song. With an introduction by Donald Swann: includes numerous illustrations. Set for ABRSM Examination 2018 onwards Singing Grade 2 (List C: Hippopotamus, The) + Trinity Examination 2023 onwards Singing Grade 7 (Group B: Ill Wind).& Trinity Music Certificates: Singing Intermediate (Group D: Sloth, The) & Singing Advanced (Group B: Guide to Britten)
Album, The: C (b-d')
All Gall: D (d-b')
Armadillo, The: E (b-c'')
Ballad of the Rich: D (a-b')
Bedstead Men: G (b-e')
Budget Song: G (d'-b')
Design for Living: E minor (b-c'')
Elephant, The: F# minor (b-e'')
Excelsior: A minor (c-e')
Gas-man Cometh, The: G (d-c'')
Gnu, The: B minor (g-c'')
Guide to Britten: C (b-g')
Hippopotamus, The: G (g-d'')
Ill Wind: Eb (g-d')
In the Bath: G (b-c'')
Last of the Line: A minor (c-f'')
Lord Chamberlain's Regulations, The: E minor (b-f'')
Madiera, M'dear?: G (g-b')
Misalliance: E (b-d'')
Motor Perpetio: C (b-e'')
Ostrich, The: B minor (b-d'')
P**p*b****b**d******: C (c-f'')
Philological Waltz (Tonga): E minor (c-e'')
Pillar to Post: A minor (a-d'')
Rain on the Plage: A minor (c-d'')
Reluctant Cannibal, The: A minor (f'-c'')
Rhinoceros, The: B minor (e-c'')
Sloth, The: E minor (e-g'')
Slow Train: A minor (c-c'')
Song of Patriotic Prejudice: Bb (bb-c")
Song of Reproduction: C (g-d')
Song of the Weather, A: A minor (a-d'')
Spider, The: B minor (a-d'')
Transport of Delight, A (Omnibus, The): A minor (c-f'')
Twenty Tons of TNT: B minor (b-e'')
Twice Shy: B minor (b-g'')
Vanessa: A minor (d-c')
Warthog, The: Ab/F/Eb (a-eb")
Whale, The (Mopy Dick): A minor (a-e'')
Wild Boar, The: B minor (b-f'')
Wompom, The: G (b-b')